
Winners are like athletes…

Like a world-class athlete, winners set their goals and milestones high. Not so high that achieving them would be impossible, but high enough to motivate you on your way to the top. I don’t believe that Usain Bolt was attempting to be in the top 10 fastest people on earth. He was targeting to be the fastest!

Also like athletes, winners are confident. Winners believe that they are the best in what they do. They know that what ever hits them, they’ll find a way to overcome the obstacles. However, there is a fine line between confidence and cockynes. Being cocky, probably won’t take you far. Keep in mind that your competitors are confident too and you might get surprised if you lower your guard. So be alert.

And just like athletes, winners work hard to achieve their goals. Winners constantly seek for possibilities to improve their skills and partner up with people who might be able to help them on their way to the top. Improve your skills and be on top of your game. Being humble and open to new influences can take you to an entirely new level.

And for me, Entrepreneurs are winners. Entrepreneurs (you don’t necessarily need to be a company founder or owner to be an entrepreneur) are confident. Successful entrepreneurs are humble and open to influences. They set goals, work hard to achieve them and consult coaches on the way to success.